Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rob Lowe:Oh How The Mighty Have Fallen

Although I don't believe that actor, Rob Lowe held up as well as Tom Cruise,
I still regarded him as one of the most handsome men in Hollywood.
The thing that is disturbing that he let his penchant of being Hollywood's white version of R. Kelly destroy his career.
Yes, Lowe did have inappropriate relations with minors and one just so happened to have been filmed in a luxury hotel in Atlanta, Georgia.
When the tape of his tryst with the then 16 year old surfaced, it was enough to have Hollywood to give him the cold shoulder.
Although it is presumed that the actor was set up by an employee for his own warped pleasure upon finding out which room the actor would be lodging, it was also said that the actor, himself, had an interest to filming his encounters.
According to the young woman in the film, the actor knew all to well how old she was at the time.

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