Tuesday, March 6, 2012

...So Bobby Brown Wants To Write A Tell All

Interesting that R&B singer, Bobby Brown, wants to write a tell all about his life and time with the late Whitney Houston. As we all know, the dead can't talk and defend him/herself against their would be attackers but would it be interesting if someone would put a pen to a pad and begin writing about Mr. Robert Brown? Yes, it would.

One may find it to be a rather interesting read considering that he had a heavy hand in her spiraling out of control drug addiction just as much as he did her two miscarriages due to his contracting several STDs and knowingly transmitting them to her. Little Bobbie Kris was a miracle!
Additionally, how he has a roving eye that not only included women like Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey but men. One man in particular would hail from a family who is recognized for their singing abilities in Gospel although he, himself, did not have a known album in the genre but like Brown, he is known for being a world class deadbeat.
Now, a book on Bobby Brown would be a real good read. Won't you agree?

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