Thursday, April 19, 2012

Steven Seagal, Jean Claude van Damme and Prostitutes and Other "Women"

Actors, Steven Seagal and Jean Claude van Damme always had a few things in common: natural disdain for one another as actors with questionable martial arts backgrounds, naturally abusive streaks that makes it practically impossible for either to hold a woman once reeling one in and a fondness for prostitutes. Speaking of prostitutes, Seagal has been rumored to have not been paying for full services rendered as of late.
I guess that speaks volumes in relevance to his dwindling income. At one time, he didn't have a problem with paying upon receiving services.

However, that is where the common ground cease and differences begin....well, one major difference anyway. At least every woman Seagal met are actually women whereas with van Damme, whether or not if he was really with a woman was often questionable.
I say that to say this, van Damme really isn't sexually interested in biological women at all although married to one for several years. He would often face ridicule for his lack of interest and his talent for feigning interest just to get through filming.
Have you seen him lately? Probably not considering his health condition resulting from stints in European sex clubs catering to same sex relations. However, leave it to the Europeans to perfect a cocktail to stave off the appearance, although not the symptoms, of having ailments.

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